Discover a world of possibilities for your garden with our wide range of quality products designed to help you grow and care for your plants like a pro...
Everyone knows that the perfect garden needs lots of care and attention. You can be sure to find all the products you need to keep your garden looking good all year round. We can provide you with new and favourite bulb varieties in season to help you create that perfect look to your garden. Flowering bulbs, corms and tubers provide interesting highlights in a border and are really versatile when they are used in pots and containers. We can offer you an exciting range of pre-packed and loose Taylors bulbs to give you lots of inspiration and an explosion of colour. They require the minimum of fuss to get excellent results. Place them in Pots or raised beds, in a hard landscaped area of the garden, to give a softening effect.
We pride ourselves on our extensive range of Garden Compost, we are well known for providing a high quality product for whatever you need in the garden, at reasonable prices. For a reliable product you can't beat Westland with its traditional formulas and essential plant nutrients. Don't be put off by the selection we have to offer, each product is well designed so you can make the right choice with expert results. We can also provide you with a good selection of soil improvers, Bark and Mulch, to give good end results around your flower beds and borders.
You can be sure your Lawn is getting the best care possible with our range of Evergreen products including specialist Lawn Seed for tough grass (ideal for children) and shady lawns. We also stock patch packs which are great repair kits for lawns. Most of the lawn care products are available either in Liquid, Soluble or Granular form. For mature lawns we stock Spreaders, aerating tools, Lawn Sand, rakes, all the tools you need to do the job. In season we stock rolls of Turf, ideal for the instant lawn along with Top Soil, Sprinklers and Hose Reels.
Keep your plants looking healthy and full of vigor with our range of plant fertilisers, specialist plant feeds and Soil Improvers including Miracle-Gro and Vitax. We also have Organic Plant Food which is 100% chemical free. One application of a Controlled Release plant food will feed your plants for several months, releasing nutrients depending on soil temperature. Alternatively you can feed and water every fortnight with Plant Food applied quickly and easily through the feeder which feeds your plants as easy as watering. This is especially beneficial if you are growing lots of flowering bedding plants that need regular watering to thrive.
For an attractive feature in your garden we have a range of Metal Obelisks from Tom Chambers ideal for adding height and structure to your garden. We also have a vast range of plant supports from Smart Garden to help protect your garden plants, planting schemes and borders to show them at their best.
We have a splendid selection of terracotta and stoneware outdoor pots available in both plain and glazed styles from the stylish contemporary feel to classic designs. All the pots are frost resistant, however we do recommend you use pot feet, a full range are available to ensure extra protection from the elements. We are stockists of Woodlodge and Pot Pourrium pots and are confident you will find a pot to suit you. If you are looking for a lightweight, value-for-money alternative we can offer you a great selection of Stewart moulded plastic planters, Troughs and Multi-Purpose Saucers. Containers with the look of a natural stone planter and the durability and manoeuvrability of plastic.
Where space is at a premium, an inexpensive Growhouse is ideal - lightweight and easy to assemble. Available as three, four and five tier options, they will fit into even a tiny back garden and offer a cost effective means of plant propagation and protection. Ideal for nurturing your seedlings and hardening off. We can offer you a broad choice of products to assist you in successfully propagating either seeds or cuttings. Our one-stop-shop includes Trays, Seed Trays and plant raising kits ideal for growing your own. A heated Propagator could dramatically increase the range of plants you can grow from seed too. Extend the growing season for your crops with our range of Growhouses, Cloches and Tunnels providing a sheltered spot for young plants. Optimise your growing area with vertical Strawberry/Herb Planters and spud bags ideal for patios or balconies.
We have a wide range of quality seeds along with Pots, Trays, Compost, labels, all the essential items you need to start the season off. Because we want to ensure our customers get an excellent result we only stock seeds from a reliable supplier such as Thompson & Morgan. Seed sowing is an extremely cost effective way to boost your borders with a fantastic range of ornamentals. Experience the thrill of growing your own vegetables from seed, nothing tastes better.

Take away the hassle of watering your garden with Hozelock Hoses, Fittings and Accessories. We stock a comprehensive range of Hozelock products covering all watering solutions to help you manage your garden with ease. We can offer a wide choice of Hose Pipes and Reels for all gardening tasks and budgets. Along with a good selection of Spray Guns, nozzles and Sprinklers for use all around your garden. Or why not consider an Automatic Watering system, an easy and efficient way to irrigate. We can help and advise on all aspects of watering kits and irrigation methods.
To maintain your weed - free garden borders, paths and edging, we have the most effective range of weedkiller products available including Roundup, Pathclear and Weedol. Protect your plants and rid your garden from any unwelcome visitors with our wide range of pesticides and fungicides including Bug Killer and RoseClear For all those other annoying pests we can provide a wide range of Rat & Mouse Bait, Traps, Cages, repellers, Wasp/Fly killer and for Slugs too.